Pharmacological Management of Neurocognitive Disorders

August 30, 2023, 11 a.m.

Dr. Serge Gauthier will provide up-to-date information on the medications that are used to treat neurocognitive disorders.

Serge Gauthier, MD, FRCPC, C.M., C.Q.

Dr. Serge Gauthier is a clinical neurologist specializing in the development of new tools for diagnosis and treatments for people living with Alzheimer’s disease. He was the Director of the McGill University Research Centre for Studies in Aging (MCSA) from 1986 to 1997, and Director of the Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders Research Unit of the MCSA until 2021. He became a senior scientist of the CIHR-Rx&D program (Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Canada’s Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies) in 1997. Dr. Gauthier is the Academic Co-Lead for the Dementia Education Program and Professor Emeritus, Neurology and Psychiatry at McGill University. His accomplishments led to him being appointed to the Order of Canada in 2014 and the National Order of Québec in 2017.